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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

We are back!!

I'm so sorry for being so absent here. Little V is already back in school and is now on Second Grade! Wow!! Time is really flying. It was very encouraging to receive an email from one of our followers and know that people do miss us here. So, let's get to what matters, shall we?

We started school on August 22nd, and as usual we had our first day of school picture, can't skip this tradition!

We have had well over 20 days of school and I have already changed some of the curriculum choices I made, they were simply not working for us. Homeschooling already has many challenges, there's no need to add stress by trying to make a curriculum work out when you know it won't. I'm pleased with the new choices so I'll be showing here what are we using right now! It might look like she has a huge load of school work but it's because I separated Language Arts (which includes phonics, spelling, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar etc...), into different subjects, it just makes it easier for me to keep track of what she's learning.

Math: Math U See Beta

Spelling: All About Spelling Level 3

Reading: All About Reading Level 3

Grammar: Language Arts and Grammar for 2nd Grade no Prep Pack from Annie Moffat @ Moffat Girls

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple

Writing: Ready for Writing 2nd Grade from Annie Moffat @ Moffat Girls

Fine Arts: I made our own curriculum based on the book How to Teach Art to Children - Grades 1-6. Also, I did some research from websites like Mrs. Brown's Art Class and Art Project for Kids.

Science: Earth Science & Astronomy for the Grammar Stage from Elemental Science

Geography: Road Trip U.S.A. from Confessions of a Homeschooler

History: I designed our own curriculum based on the books below.

Bible: My Book of Bible Stories and many other activities from

Portuguese: I designed the curriculum as well.

We are very pleased with the choices we made and we are having lots of fun with our Second Grade Homeschooling.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

Vanessa Z. Pawlicki

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