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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Our Homeschool Schedule and Subjects!

Our state, Illinois, requires that a child attend to 176 days of school/homeschool, and that's the amount of days we dedicate to homeschooling. I planned 2 weeks for Winter Break and 1 week for Spring Break in our homeschool calendar.

The subjects we are covering during the Kindergarten year are:

- Math (5 days a week)
- Spelling (5 days a week)
- Reading (5 days a week)
- Science (2 days a week)
- Geography (2 days a week)
- Arts (3 days a week)
- Music (2 days a week)
- Portuguese (5 days a week)
- Bible (5 days a week)

We currently have 4 long days and 1 short day (Math/Spelling/Reading/Portuguese/Bible). I organized this schedule by checking the number of lessons for each subject, then dividing it by 36 weeks, this way I was able to have an idea of how many times a week I needed to cover each subject and complete the curriculum. I do have an extra day for Arts so she can explore new things like arts and crafts, or practice more of something that she likes, such as painting.

I can't believe we are 3 weeks away from finishing Kindergarten, it seems like it was yesterday that we started it.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

Vanessa Z. Pawlicki

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